With the e-mail <-> SMS service you can send SMS messages to e-mail addresses and receive e-mail messages on your mobile phone like SMS.
How does it work
SMS -> e-mail With the SMS -> e-mail service you can send a message to an e-mail address without Internet access.
Sending SMS -> e-mail Sending SMS to e-mail is done in the following format: in Create Message write name@domain (Subject) Text, where:
name@domain is the e-mail address of the recipient,
Subject is the theme. It is written in brackets and separated by blank spaces. It is not obligatory.
Text is the message which is sent to number 1552.
Receiving You will receive e-mail from 35989xxxxxxx@sms.telenor.bg, where 35989xхххххх is the mobile number of the sender.
e-mail -> SMS Besides being used by people who need to send an urgent message and still do not have a mobile connection, the e-mail -> SMS ervice can be used as an SMS notification for received e-mail as well as for simultaneous sending of one message to a group of people.
Sending e-mail -> SMS To send e-mail to SMS, use the following format for e-mail address: 35989xхххххх@sms.telenor.bg, where 35989xхххххх is the mobile number of the recipient. The length of the electronic message should not exceed 480 symbols, including the address of the recipient and the subject (35989xxxxxxx@sms.telenor.bg and subject). Content exceeding this volume will not be received.
Receiving e-mail -> SMS If you have been sent such an e-mail, you will receive SMS notification containing the e-mail address of the sender. To read the e-mail content, send an SMS containing Y on number 1552.
Read messages are automatically deleted. Unread messages are preserved for 72 hours. Unread messages cannot be more than 5. By sending an SMS containing Y1, Y2,…, Y5 to number 1552 ou can receive a specific unread e-mail message according to order of receipt. Besides Y, you can use D as a response (respectivelyD1, D2..).
How much does it cost
Sending e-mail-> SMS in the Telenor network is charged 0.12 BGN for Postpaid clients and 0.15 BGN for Preapaid clients.
Messages for confirmation, sending, OPEN and CLOSE are charged as a normal SMS.
How do I get the service
All Telenor clients – Postpaid and Prepaid clients – can use the service.
Activation To use the SMS <-> e-mail service, activate it by sending an SMS containing OPEN to number 1552.. Deactivation To deactivate – send an SMS containing CLOSE to number 1552. Step by step
SMS to e-mail example:
Sending SMS containing: name@domain (Meeting!) I want to see you! to number 1552
Receiving e-mail:
From: 35989xxxxxxx@sms.telenor.bg,
Subject: Meeting!
I want to see you!
e-mail to SMS example:
Sending e-mail:
To: 35989xxxxxxx@sms.telenor.bg
Subject: Urgent
Meeting is cancelled.
Receiving notification: “You have e-mail from name@domain. To open, reply with Y. If you have more than 1 unread e-mail messages, reply with Y2… Y5”.