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Putting people at the centre of everything we do

At Yettel we believe that if we want to change the world, we should be surrounded by like-minded people. We aim to empower our colleagues by creating an equitable, diverse and inclusive working environment where everyone can be themselves and make an impact. To spread the sustainability spirit outside of the organisation, оur employees engage in different volunteering initiatives related to the environment and the society. Focusing on our customers, we acknowledge the growing need of the society to learn more about the sustainable way of living and, for this very reason, we create campaigns to raise awareness on various sustainability topics.

Our long-term goals:


female representation in our technology roles by 2028

2 500 000

people reached annually through campaigns on sustainable living


working hours per year dedicated to community service

What have we achieved in 2022-2023:

In 2022, the percentage of female is technology roles has increased by 2% compared to the levels in 2021

In 2022, we reached 2,991,500 people with information about the sustainable living practices

In Q4 2022, we saw 42% increase of the e-waste gathered in the collection points located in our stores

Thanks to the internal initiatives, organized by our ESG Crew, we engage our employees on the ESG topics

We continue our efforts through:

Inclusion and Diversity Programs

We create various inclusion and diversity programs, that serve as platform for women to engage in the technology field.

Raising Awareness

Recognising that the sustainability practices are not well-known has motivated us to set a target focusing on raising awareness among the society. In this way we hope that we can inspired positive changes in people’s behaviour. One such program is Yettel’s Green Cause - learn more about it here.

Volunteering Iniatives

We partner with organisations who play an active role in driving impactful initiatives which protect the environment or support different social causes in Bulgaria. Through those partnerships, we engage our employees and motivate them to ‘donate’ their work time to a good cause.

ISO 45001:2018

Protecting the health, safety and wellbeing of our employees is a key priority for our company. The ISO 45001:2018 certificate and our Operational Health and Safety System are a testimonial that the company applies the local legislation, the requirements defined by the Standard and the corporate policies and procedure in the relevant area, as well as implements best practices regarding health and safety at work.

To our ISO 45001:2018 Certificate > To our Occupational Health and Safety Policy >

Yettel's Sustainability strategy supports the UN Sustainable Development Goals