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The content was last modified on Jan 31, 2024, 4:28:19 PM

Reducing our environmental footprint

Every new beginning is hard but we have a clear direction - to maintain a healthy and undamaged environment for current and future generations. In order to reduce our environmental footprint, in the next couple of years we are going to focus on reducing our CO2 emissions, as well as on managing input materials and waste.

Our long-term goals:

127 000 kg.

of e-waste prevented from going to landfill by 2028


less packaging waste generated from our own operations

CO2 emissions

Reducing our CO2 emissions in Scope 1, 2, 3 by 2050

What have we achieved in 2022-2023:

We signed 10-year Power Purchasing Agreement for supply of electricity from renewable sources with Electohold Trade

In 2022, we managed to prevent 20.3 tons of e-waste from going to landfill

Thanks to our Recycle and Save service, we collected 3 times more devices compared to the levels from 2021

The warranty of all devices, purchased from Yettel, is now extended to 3 years, which supports our efforts to extend the live of the devices

We continue our efforts through:

CO2 Emission Reduction Program

The PPF Telecom Group, together with Yettel Bulgaria, is preparing a comprehensive emission reduction program, which should be finalized by Aug 2024.

Yettel’s Green Network

Major part of the electricity used by Yettel and CETIN Bulgaria is provided by 124 MW power plant, thanks to the 10-year Power Purchasing agreement with Electrohold Trade for supply of electricity from renewable sources Learn more

Supporting the Circular Economy Practices

We collect, repair, reuse or recycle the e-waste generated both within our own operations (offices, warehouse, repair centre) and from our downstream value chain (retail stores). We strive to further engage our customers in the process through programs, such as our service “Recycle and Save”. Learn more

Sustainable Packaging Practices

We want to reduce the packaging waste generated for transportation purposes within our own operations. Further, as we believe that the biggest impact is achieved through partnerships, we will also add the topic of packaging as part of our supplier engagement, in order to encourage our suppliers to work towards more sustainable packaging practices.

Educational Campaigns

When combined, the small acts we all can do on a daily basis, could lead to a big change for the environment. Check out the short videos, part of our Green News, to find useful and easy-to-follow tips, related to ways in which we can use the technology, while being in balance with nature.

ISO 14001:2015

ISO 14001:2015, the Certificate for our Environmental Management System, is a proof of the commitment given through our Sustainability Strategy. The Environmental Management System helps us track, control and continuously decrease the negative impact that our operations have on the environment.

To our ISO 14001:2015 Certificate > To our Environmental Policy >

Yettel's Sustainability strategy supports the UN Sustainable Development Goals