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Telenor warns about attempts for fraud

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Telenor warns about attempts for fraud

Telenor would like to inform and warn about recent attempts for defrauding users and for unlawful access to customer profiles in the MyTelenor app.

Telenor would like to remind all customers not to share with third parties their one-off PIN access numbers or passwords for the MyTelenor app as it may lead to considerable damages for users.

Telenor and company employees never ask users to reveal their MyTelenor access PIN or password outside the app. Users are warned that any calls by unknown or suspicious parties asking users to reveal their access PIN or password, regardless of the reason stated, is a clear attempt for fraud. Users must deny revealing their access PIN and password and immediately inform Telenor.

Telenor has taken the necessary actions to stop these fraudulent activities and is co-operating with the respective authorities for the apprehension of the perpetrators behind these attempts.

More information on how users may protect their personal data and their access to YettelApp app is available here.