Telenor's Corporate Responsibility Report 2014 - page 31

Telenor’s corporate responsibility report
Group policies and practices and also
striving for continuous improvement of
the supply chain, 12 colleagues were
trained and certified in 2014. The team
is cross-functional and comprises of
representatives fromdifferent company
units. The supply chain inspectors do a
systematic follow-up of the vendor‘s
conformity with the Agreement on the
responsible Business Conduct, Supplier
Conduct Principles and the Local law
In 2014 we changed over 35% of our suppli-
ers – currently most of them are Bulgarian
based companies. We work with our suppliers
in the spirit of collaboration and are open to
doing business with anyone who has a good
offer and is a trustworthy partner. That is the
way we do business and it helps us get better
prices, better products and deliver better per-
formance. We aim to always raise awareness,
identify potential risks and share best practic-
es with our partners.
In compliance with the requirements of Tele-
nor Group regarding systematic, risk-based
activities for observation of the supply process,
we apply a clear and transparent model of
supplier assessment. Based on its results, the
company draws up a plan for the identification
and decrease of the main supply-related risks,
thus ensuring the continuous improvement of
the process. The criteria for determining the
risk upon applying the Supplier Conduct Prin-
ciples, together with the instruments and the
methodology for assessment, are standard for
all enterprises within the Group.
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