Telenor's Corporate Responsibility Report 2014 - page 30

Telenor’s corporate responsibility report
We work towards achieving high standards
of business conduct, working conditions
and environmental management inter-
nally. We expect the same approach from
those with whom we do business. All sup-
pliers and parties that have a direct con-
tractual relationship with us and offer us
products or services must adhere to our
Supplier Conduct Principles. They include
requirements for:
• Relationship with national law
• Human rights
• Labor Standards:
- Freedom of association and the right to
collective bargaining
- Forced labor
- Child labor
- Non-discrimination
- Employment conditions
• Health and Safety
• Environment
• Prohibited business practices:
- Corruption and other prohibited busi-
ness practices
- Gifts, hospitality and expenses (busi-
ness courtesies)
- Money laundering
- Competition
The Supplier Conduct Principles spell out the
minimum standards that we expect to see
achieved over time. These principles are avail-
able at our website
We implement the principles through Agree-
ments on Responsible Business Conduct
(ABCs), which commit our suppliers to imple-
ment the requirements internally and to ex-
tend them further down in their own supply
chains. The ABCs also provide Telenor with
monitoring rights. In 2014, 93% of our suppli-
ers in terms of spend, signed an ABC.
This document is of extreme significance for
our continuous efforts to minimize the risk
within the supply chain, for it includes a num-
ber of activities, which aim at ensuring the re-
sponsible business conduct within the supply
process, such as self-assessment of the sup-
plier and inspections in accordance with writ-
ten standards and best practice carried out by
specially trained company employees.
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