Telenor’s corporate responsibility report
There are many ways to achieve excellent ser-
vice, and one of the most important ones is to
always put the customer first and have the de-
sire to do more than expected for his/her sat-
isfaction. In 2014 we started an internal initia-
tive called Customer First Hero. The program
was part of the celebration of the Customer’s
First Day in the Telenor Group – a day for the
company to make a point that customer sat-
isfaction is the core of our business. This day is
celebrated at all Telenor business units since
With Customer First Herowe encourage all em-
ployees to nominate themselves, a colleague,
or people who worked in a team, where more
than what was expected was done for the cus-
tomer - internal or external, and the story ac-
tion led to exceptional customer satisfaction.
With such initiatives we set the stage for a new
way of thinking and working - a way driven not
by customer needs, but by the ability to make
the customer experience with Telenor pleas-
ant and memorable. We strive to transform our
organizational culture at the level of individu-
al employee mentality irrespective of whether
they work with internal or external customers.
What started as an initiative meant to collect
a few good success stories went on to gain
permanence in our everyday culture. Our Cus-
tomer Hero initiative was embraced as a long-
term program. Every three months we award
the heroes of the best nominated stories, so
they can serve as inspiration in our strategic
goal – to be loved by customers.
Keeping customer and employee personal
data confidential is of utmost importance to
Telenor. We fulfill all Bulgarian legal require-
ments and apply extremely strict measures
with respect to the security of personal data.
We work in accordance with the confidentiality
clauses of the Telenor Group Code of Conduct.
Our information protection management sys-
tem follows best international practices. It cov-
ers all aspects of security, the most critical one
being customer personal data protection. In
2014 we had 36 complaints related to person-
al data protection which triggered in-depth
investigations. No violations were established.
Go beyond expectations
and be the next hero!