Telenor's Corporate Responsibility Report 2014 - page 12

Telenor’s corporate responsibility report
Our Code of conduct is at the core of our cul-
ture, behaviors and decision making process-
es. It is an integral part to the way we do busi-
ness and sets the principles and standards
that guide all our employees’ work. The Code
ensures the observance of ethics by everyone
in the Group, so that we can grow and develop
in a sustainable manner.
The Code of Conduct regulates three domains
of our business, each of which has specific
subcategories of behaviors.
• Our Community:
sets standards for human
rights, working conditions and health, safety,
and employee security;
• Our Relationships:
sets ethical standards
and principles concerning the environment,
our customers, suppliers, business competi-
tion, corruption and bribery, gifts and business
courtesies, money laundering, information,
communication and media, and political ac-
• Our Assets:
sets provisions for handling of in-
ternal control and authority, conflicts of inter-
est, private interests and activities, confiden-
tiality, information that may affect the pricing
of securities, personal data and privacy, intel-
lectual property, properties and assets, and
accounting and financial reporting.
Telenor Group stands for integrity, ethics,
transparency and responsible business
conduct. The Ethics and Compliance
System provides a firm basis to meet our
business goals and strategies through
behaviors and business practices in line
with Telenor Way. The system has 4 core
• Prevention – assessment of legal risks,
ethics trends, codes of conduct, and a
Compliance Hotline;
• Code of Conduct monitoring – ensures
that employees are inducted and follow
ethical rules and guidelines;
• Review and resolution of ethics and
compliance cases;
• Reporting to the Board of directors
and the Chief Compliance Officer in the
Corporate Governance
The Code of Conduct applies to all employees,
members of the Board and everyone who does
work on behalf of the company. It is available
on our corporate website. Every employee
goes through a mandatory induction online
course. In addition, employees participate in
routine ethics trainings to update their ability
to apply the company Code of Conduct.
Telenor continues to grow across global mar-
kets. Corruption, however, is an issue we need
to keep in mind. Telenor Group has a zero-­
tolerance policy towards corruption. This
means that we apply ethical practices and
train all employees in order to raise the lev-
el of understanding the concept of anti-cor-
ruption and to conduct business according to
Telenor Group’s ethical standards.
We have three key principles for a corrup-
tion-free way of doing business:
1. Zero tolerance on corruption and bribery
2. Act responsible every day
3. Be transparent and seek guidance when in
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