Telenor’s corporate responsibility report
In 2014 the company received a number of
awards that recognize our efforts in the area
of corporate responsibility. At the end of 2013
we received the special award Corporate Own-
er of Electric Car in the contest Car of the Year
2014 organized by Press Auto Club Bulgaria.
In January 2014 we won third place in the So-
cial Responsibility category of Forbes Bulgaria
business awards. In Februarywe were awarded
first prize in the “Investor in Society” catego-
ry at the Bulgarian Business Leaders Forum
(BBLF) for our support to “Worlds” - the first
day care center for vocational education of
people with intellectual difficulties designed
by “Maria’s World Foundation”. In May 2014 we
received a gold EFFIE award in the “Corporate
Communications” category for our communi-
cation campaign “Don’t Create New Species”
by Ogilvy group.
Telenor is a member of a number of organiza-
tions that help us address business challenges
and spread the values of the corporate re-
sponsibility in Bulgaria.
Bulgarian-Nordic Chamber of Commerce
Confederation of employers and industrial-
ists in Bulgaria (CEIBG)
Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and In-
dustry (BCCI)
Bulgarian Business Leader Forum
The Telecommunications Association (AS-
Bulgarian Association for People Manage-
ment (BAPM)
Bulgarian Donors Forum (BDF)
Bulgarian Association of Advertisers (BAA)
Greek Business Council in Bulgaria
Public Council at the Safer Internet Center
German-Bulgarian Industrial-Trade Cham-
World Association for Mobile Communica-
tions (GSMA)
UN Global Compact (membership via Tele-
nor Group)
Memberships and Acknowledgements