Telenor's Corporate Responsibility Report 2014 - page 58

Telenor’s corporate responsibility report
By the end of 2013 a payroll giving program
was launched so that every employee could
automatically donate from their salary for a
cause of their choice. While such initiatives
boost financial support for good causes and
contribute to social development they also
demonstrate employees’ commitment to
solving social issues. The program is realized
in cooperation with
who also founded one of the most
popular causes among Telenor employees in
2014: Ready for Success. The program sup-
ports education of orphan children and youth,
raised by relatives or in foster homes.
In the end of 2014 Telenor and
Foundation received the award for “Best part-
nership” at the 9th annual Biggest Corporate
Donor ceremony organized by the Bulgarian
Donors Forum in cooperation with the Presi-
dent of Bulgaria Rosen Plevneliev. The goal of
the project, to which Telenor contributed with
was to create a better environment for the
young people with mild and moderate mental
problems, by providing them the opportunity
to improve their skills for independent life, to
create new friendships and to work in a team.
The day care center “Worlds” organizes a lot
of different activities that offer its members the
opportunity to acquire skills in cooking, baking
and crafts, and supporting them to manage
their social contacts and friendships, to devel-
op better skills for teamwork, housework and
health maintenance. The support for “Maria’s
World” cause is also one of the payroll giving
options employees have. Christmas, Easter,
and 1st of March bazars are another tradition
cherished by both Telenor employees and
young people attending day
care center.
For a third consecutive year the Bulgarian
took part in the Homeless
World Cup with the support of Telenor. The
team is part of the “Homeless World Cup Bul-
garia” project, a tournament for underserved
youth that aims at social integration. The tour-
nament is a step in the selection and training
of a national team representing Bulgaria at the
Homeless World Cup. Almost all players in the
Team of Hope have grown up in foster homes
which they left at the age of 18 and then they
faced the sad probability to become homeless.
Some of them live in temporary accommoda-
tion centers, but every once in a while they find
themselves living on the streets, without shel-
ter or food. The social inclusion results of the
project are promising. Thanks to the initiative
hundreds of young people deprived of homes,
family or social opportunities, regain hope and
take control of their lives.
During the Homeless World Cup in Chile in
2014 the Team of Hope achieved its best re-
sults so far - 12
place from 42 participating
At an official event it was announced that the company
remains general sponsor of the „Team of Hope“ project
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